
This is the all-in-one "book" of the Debian Rust Team. It's a living document, updated as packaging practices evolve.

If you are new to Rust packaging in Debian, or Rust the language, consider reading Getting started. If you are also new to Debian packaging in general, consider reading the Packaging Tutorial by Lucas Nussbaum first. You need to have a basic understanding of Debian packaging before packaging Rust things for Debian.

The team

What the Debian Rust Team does:

  • Package the Rust compiler (rustc) and the cargo package manager
  • Package various programs and libraries distributed on, the official Rust package registry
  • Coordinate with and help other teams with packages that involve Rust1
  • Maintain the Rust packaging policy

Team packages are hosted on salsa:


For example, the Debian Gnome Team has its own packaging policy for Gnome apps written in Rust; the Debian Python Team has seen packages starting to use extensions written in Rust, rather than C/C++.

Get involved

Join the team

Welcome, and thank you for helping out! Please subscribe to the mailing list and say hello in the IM channels. Because the packaging processes are a bit different than in other places, it's helpful to start with a merge request, so we can help you getting used to it. When you are confident, Request Access on the salsa team page ("︙" button to the right of the team name).

This book

The source is at rust-team/book. It's built using salsa CI and published to Its pipeline definition is in the .gitlab-ci.yml file in the repo.